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Monday, December 8, 2014

DCUM predicts Anacostia will be the hottest market

I was SHOCKED to come across this thread on DC Urban Moms (DCUM) forum. In response to a question asking which neighborhood was going to become hot this year, an overwhelming majority answered Anacostia. Obviously, I think SE is awesome, but I didn't realize the word has spread so far that DCUM is catching on. I was definitely pleasantly surprised to hear so much positive conversation about Anacostia, Congress Heights, etc.

DCUM usually runs extremely conservative in the real estate market discussions. For example, one of the posters said Capitol Hill would become the next hot market. (Several decades late on that, lady....)

Another example of DCUM's conservatism is how many posters classify schools as being either WOTP or EOTP, aka west/east of the Rock Creek Park. For them, it's not even WOTR/EOTR; it is WOTP/EOTP. The WOTP/EOTP division, however, is slowly wearing away. Who knows maybe we'll have them salivating over the new Ballou next.