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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Why I brag about Congress Heights

I don't have these. But I do have Congress Heights!
Usually I think bragging is inappropriate and disrespectful to others. But when I talk about Congress Heights, I find myself bragging all the time. It's gotten to the point that I tell myself I'm not allowed to talk about my house or neighborhood at work anymore because I am driving my coworkers crazy, telling them about my big, beautiful, historic house, my short commute, all the things there are to do around here, what we're planting in the garden, etc, etc. I could go on and on and on. I can't help but brag, because I'm so proud of my home and my neighborhood.

HOWEVER, the reason I think I'm justified for bragging, other than the fact, I think Congress Heights is the bee's knees, is that it is so affordable to live here. If someone bragged about living in Capitol Hill or Vienna (names will not be named!), I think it would be rude, because that requires buckets of money, which I and most people don't have. Congress Heights, on the other hand, remains accessible to most, if not all, socio-economic classes. If I were to lose my current job and have to find a new job, even a minimum wage job, we could still afford to get by and pay our mortgage. And that, in light of all this economic uncertainty today, makes me feel more confident about our livelihood and makes me love my neighborhood even more.

For that reason, I can't stop bragging about Congress Heights. I love Congress Heights dearly for letting us be able to afford our dream house in DC. I overheard on the playground someone talking about what they could afford in the DC metropolitian area "at our price range, it was either Manasas or Anacostia." Exactly! Why live an hour and a half a way from your job and waste away commuting for the rest of your life when you could live close to home and spend that much more time with you family every single day? The couple with two kids chose to buy EOTR for the same reason we did. Thank you, EOTR!

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