Monday, March 21, 2016

Seed swap?

Does anyone have the problem of having too many vegetable/plant seeds?

My son and I planted herbs this year. We usually have a vegetable garden, but I forget to start early enough to use seeds! That and I generally kill potted plants by accident. But this year if all goes well, we'll at least have cilantro and basil plants. I still have to go buy some tomato and maybe cucumber seeds/plants.

If anyone wants some basil or cilantro seeds, I'd be happy to share. Also, I'd be happy to take any extra seeds you have off your hands.

Peach trees in blossom!

I'm usually excited by forecast for snow, but the weather forecast for Sunday had me upset! Last year almost all of our fruit trees had blossoms until a unseasonably cold day made them drop. I feared the same would happen this year. But I'm happy to report that our peach and nectarine trees are loaded with blossoms! So excited for the summer to pick fruit off our trees. It's the best thing ever.

Still here!

Pardon my absence! I haven't blogged in a really long time. In case anyone cares, I still LOVE Congress Heights!

Since the last time I wrote, I have another baby. NBD. :) I've got to take advantage of this big old house. It's starting to fill up nicely. I think I've finally figured out how to juggle two kids, a household and a full-time job, so I can return to my late night hobby of writing about the neighborhood!