Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Congress Heights suffering due to commute?

Living within walking distance of my job and a very short drive from downtown DC are among the reasons I love living in Congress Heights. It boggles my mind that people would choose to live somewhere that requires them to literally drive several hours a day to work and back and then complain about it.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this Curbed article that said the average Congress Heights commute was seventy-five minutes! Never mind that the statistic for the average commute from Anacostia was listed as thirty-five minutes and Congress Heights is located only minutes away from Anacostia.

Kudos to the Curbed journalist who managed to describe Congress Heights' proximity to downtown DC as something we "suffer" over. Willingness to invent reasons to put down Congress Heights a good journalist does not make.

I try not to be snarky in comments, but in this case I couldn't restrain myself because the numbers so obviously didn't add up. The author seemed to willfully choose Congress Heights because the statistic was so absurd. She probably looked at Anacostia's commute and saw that the average was too reasonable and decide to write on the bogus "statistic" for Congress Heights instead. Because if you find it on the internet, it must be true!

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