I think principals and teachers reaching out and establishing a relationship with the parents of prospective students early on will go a long way in improving public schools. Parents will be more willing to take neighborhood schools into consideration, if they personally see the principal's commitment to the school and its students.
Parents initiate this type of dialog with schools all the time, and I've been meaning to... But the problem is a lot of people don't prioritize their neighborhood school in their list of options or often times reject the neighborhood school as a option outright. This sort of outreach will help bring neighborhood schools back into the discussion.
You can read the whole article here.
Under pressure, D.C. school system gets more aggressive about selling itself

The move is a sign of the tremendous pressure on the District’s traditional public schools. Charter schools, which appeared less than two decades ago, now enroll nearly half the city’s public school students, and they continue to gain popularity. It is a trend that many believe threatens the long-term survival of the traditional school system.
To train principals in old-fashioned door-to-door canvassing, school officials have hired political campaign experts who helped Barack Obama win the presidency. These experts are also adapting data-analytic methods used to target voters in 2008 and 2012 to help identify those students most likely to bolt the school system and, therefore, most in need of personal attention.
“I’ve got to keep my school open and growing,” said Principal Kennard Branch of Southeast Washington’s Garfield Elementary, one of about 30 principals who left recent student-recruitment training sessions with plans to knock on hundreds of doors during the first weeks of summer.
In the waning days of the school year, these experienced educators found themselves assembling teams of volunteer door-knockers and tinkering with fliers meant to encourage parents to consider their schools. They also refined the sales pitch for those parents who had decided to send their children elsewhere.... Read the rest of the article here.
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